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December 21st, 2011 at 03:21 am
I'm just so elated 2 more months and my car is gonna be paid off! Finally! No more car payments for a very long time until I can pay all cash for it next time,,,,So liberating. Such a sense of financial relief as well as financial freedom! Cant wait, Any suggestions for a small celebration will be greatly appreciated and thanks ahead of time!
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December 2nd, 2011 at 03:14 pm
Kentucky church bans interracial marriage:::
A small Kentucky church has chosen to ban marriages and even some worship services for interracial couples. The Gulnare Freewill Baptist Church, located in Pike County, made the vote in response to a longtime member who is engaged to a man whose birthplace is in Zimbabwe.
The small congregation, which usually hosts about 40 members each Sunday, held the vote after longtime member Stella Harville, brought her fiancé Ticha Chikuni to church with her in June. The couple performed a song together at the church in which Chikuni sang "I Surrender All," while Harville played the piano.
Chikuni, 29, who works at Georgetown College, is black--and Harville, who was baptized at the church but is not an active member, is white. Dean Harville, Stella's father, said he was told by the church's former pastor Melvin Thompson that his daughter and her fiancé were not allowed to sing at the church again. However, Thompson recently stepped down and the church's new pastor, Stacy Stepp, said the couple was once again welcome to sing.(He stepped down due to his ignorance)
Stepp's decision prompted Thompson to put forth a recommendation saying that while all members are welcome at the church, it does not "condone" interracial marriage, and that any interracial couples would not be received as members or allowed to participate in worship services. The only exception? Funerals.
The Harville family has formally requested the congregation to reconsider the interracial ban, and Thompson has also said he would like to resolve the issue, the area CBS affiliate WYMT has reported.
A copy of the recommendation, obtained by WYMT, reads in part:
That the Gulnare Freewill Baptist Church does not condone interracial marriage. Parties of such marriages will not be received as members, nor will they be used in worship services and other church functions, with the exception being funerals. All are welcome to our public worship services. This recommendation is not intended to judge the salvation of anyone, but is intended to promote greater unity among the church body and the community we serve.
Members of the church held a vote on Thompson's proposed language, with nine voting in favor and six voting against. The other members in attendance chose not to vote.
Gawker notes that Pike County is 98 percent white and home to the infamous Hatfield-McCoy feud.
The Harville family doesn't see Gulnare's new policy promoting anything like unity or civil peace. "They're the people who are supposed to comfort me in times like these," Stella Harville said.
And Stella's father was much more forceful in his denunciation of the interracial ban. "It sure ain't Christian," Dean Harville said. "It ain't nothing but the old devil working."
I know this has nothing to with finances but I am following up on an older post that another member had raised pertaining to topic of racism. That concludes as I stated on that earlier post that to some WE(including myself) will always be "The color of our skin" This proves that on some instances US colored folks are still not accepted and in total proves that ignorance, lack of education and misinformation along with the refusal of an OPEN mind is very much still existent in this world today and I being of color find this extremely redundant and purely unacceptable!
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December 1st, 2011 at 11:13 pm
Simply being grateful for what you have right at this moment is the meaning of Prosperity, to be comfortable in your own skin, with your life however imperfect it may be, to be accepting of everyone and everything that Life has already given you due to the very fact that someone out there has it way worse then you do, to know that whatever happens that you will get through it for that's the reason you are where you are today. What Abundance Is: Its ones ability to accept their lives as they are and know that everything good will come at the right time and at the right place, Its trusting Life to provide you with whatever it is that you need!Abundance means having all one desires of one's heart not just money but also includes love,success,knowledge,wisdom,food,clothing,shelter and many others as well. Anything you have that another does not have,the only difference is that you have it in excess,meaning more then enough. To conclude this post: Abundance relatively always pertains to MORE, anything one has that is EXTRA. When one trusts Life which is Prosperity this is what happens: You get a raise at work at just the right time or receive a gift that you had been wanting and hadn't disclosed to anyone. Now isn't that a beautiful thing!You see Abundance and Prosperity work side by side and sometimes are one in the same on most levels. What a wonderful thing!
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October 25th, 2011 at 07:41 pm
Lets discuss the importance of surrounding yourself with positive people in your life. The main reason why one should surround themselves with positive energy oppose to negative energy is due to fact that the negative energy drains a persons mind,body and soul, negative energy doesn't have the ability to cause or feed anything good to anyone it constantly feeds off others because it cannot survive on its own its like a leach that sucks all your blood and leaves you dead and limp!Its like weeds in ones garden that no matter what you do you just cant get rid of!Negative energy obstructs a persons view of their life's calling and sole purpose in life. When you get to that point a person has no energy for themselves or what they want to do, it can severely place a huge burden on ones life and be a huge hindrance and possibly destroy ones hopes and dreams and when that happens the person being used and imposed upon has no aspirations for their life's purpose, I feel that its critically important to weed ones life before it gets too late so that you can live YOUR dreams not the dreams of what others want for themselves but push them onto you because they are too coward to reach for the stars themselves, Each one of us entitled to our own hopes, dreams, and capacity and ability to live up our fullest potential and until we do some serious cleaning and nonstop weeding of OUR gardens we will all stay stuck and be too busy caring about what others think of us and want for us instead of what we want for ourselves, start weeding I believe in you, you can do it!
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September 4th, 2011 at 04:57 pm
A person's attitude will either make them or break them, it's critical to each individual that we take personal responsibility for our own attitudes as well as our own lives. It is not your mothers fault or your dads fault that you turned out the way you did, they gave you all they knew how to give with what they had with what they too had been given by their parents. For the most part these vicious cycles repeat themselves for generations!The most beautiful thing is that YOU have the ability to finally break that cycle and YOU can if you really want to! YOU were born with all the strength you will ever have or need your entire life! Dig deep and search wide, don't let anyone tell you what YOU can and can't accomplish, set your own standards and YOU will succeed! And always remember to check yourself if need be, keep your attitude in line IT IS YOUR BEST ASSET!(Being angry with the world never got anyone anywhere.) My love goes far and runs deep so I hope as I'm writing this that someone is catching it! Good luck to all!
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August 14th, 2011 at 12:49 am
Everyone "CHOOSES" their own choices in Life, If you don't like your Life then make different choices, its as simple as that! Thinking inside the box is for sissies, just my opinion I have always thought outside the box since birth that's where your "real life" can be found.
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May 6th, 2011 at 04:06 pm
Well well, let me first start out by saying I love coupons! I have always used coupons ever since I can remember. I am NOT again I am NOT by any means an EXTREME couponer. I always save at least 40-60% off every entire order at all costs. But I am not extreme with it!Which means you will NEVER find me fighting or yelling at store employees because they don't have any items left or in combat over the last few items on a shelf! Get a life It's not that serious people!I will get a raincheck and return once the storm has subsided! Saving is my part-time job, NOT fulltime as I have 2 kids and a husband so I dont have several hours a day to dedicate to couponing(I am not that compulsive), I only purchase whats on sale and combine that sale with a coupon. Always. I wont make a purchase if an item isn't on sale or if that item is NOT NEEDED(unless its free). It's against my own coupon policy!LOL!!!!
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Shopping I hate shopping unless the items free!